Adviezen van de Wereld Gezondheidsorganisatie

seksualiteit en grenzen

De World Health Organization heeft de volgende adviezen om geweld tegen vrouwen in de coronatijd aan te pakken.

  • Governments and policy makers must include essential services to address violence against women (VAW) in preparedness and response plans for COVID-19. Resource them, and identify ways to make them accessible in context of physical distancing measures.
  • Health facilities should identify information about services available locally (e.g. hotlines, shelters, rape crisis centers, counselling) for survivors. Including opening hours, contact details and whether these can be offered remotely, and establish referral linkages.
  • Health providers need to be aware of the risks and health consequences of VAW. They can help women who disclose violence by offering first-line support, and relevant medical treatment. First line support includes:
    • listening empathetically and without judgment
    • inquiring about needs and concerns
    • validating survivors’ experiences and feelings
    • enhancing safety
    • connecting survivors to social support
  • Humanitarian response organizations need to include services for women subjected to violence and their children in their COVID-19 response plans, and gather data on reported cases of VAW.
  • Community members should be made aware of the increased risk of domestic/partner violence during this pandemic, and the need to keep in touch and provide support safely to women subjected to violence. It is important to have information about where help for survivors is available.
  • Women who are experiencing violence may find it helpful to reach out to supportive family and friends, seek support from a hotline, or seek out local services for survivors.

Onepager COVID 19 and violence against women

Longer version COVID 19 and violence against women

